
5 Holiday Recycling Tips

Xploring The Nature 5 Holiday Recycling Tips (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The holidays are a time of joy and celebration - But it can also be a time of waste. People often throw all kinds of things away during the holidays and create all kinds of trash that ends up in the landfills. A lot of this waste can be avoided. Here...Read More

Best 2017 Eclipse Pictures from Around The World

Landscapes 03:36
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); On Monday, August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse, frequently referred to as the "Great American Eclipse", was visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States passing from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts See annularity and totality, Baily's beads, and other sights seen when the Moon blocks the Sun in thesepictures of solar eclipses from around the world....Read More


Nature 08:37
Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical world, or material world. "Nature" refers to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the cosmic. While this statement may be a bit biased, planet Earth is pretty amazing. Over the course of time, Mother Nature has proven...Read More

Rescuing a young hummingbird nestling

FlorenceRiverPark-CO 00:07
Yesterday I drove over to Florence River Park, a small nature park on the far east edge of Florence, CO. As I sat in my car for a few minutes I spotted a hummingbird 20-25 feet in front of my car. It hovered a few feet off the ground then went down to the ground which piqued my curiosity. When I got it...Read More


(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "Cats do not need their owners, the scientists conclude," another says. "Poor cats are always poor PR." As if it were not enough for Australia to declare The war on wild cats, we now have a study that says cats do not need their owners. "The University of Lincon's research adapted the test of Ainsworth's" strange situation, "developed...Read More

Band-tailed Pigeons, the mountain pigeons

Band-tailedPigeons 23:40
I spotted a small flock of about 9 or 10 of these Band-tailed Pigeons in a tiny unincorporated town called Greenwood which is south of Canon City about 20 miles (via winged flight). The homes in Greenwood are right up against the San Isabel National Forest and forests are the habitat for these mountain pigeons. The white collar on the nape of this...Read More

Eared Grebe parents feeding young chick

EaredGrebeChick 22:59
I photographed these Eared Grebes at Lake Cheraw in southeastern Colorado as both parents (they were up at the same time) were busy feeding fish and maybe lake vegetation to this very young chick. How do I know that the chick is less than 10 days old? Birds of North America online states, "Uncommon for chicks >20 d to receive parental care."I am...Read More
