
Blue-winged Warbler stopping over on South Padre Island


I was delighted to get to observe this Blue-winged Warbler for several minutes, in fact 3 times in 30 minutes at the Convention Center Gardens on South Padre Island. It bathed in the water feature but spent most of the time feeding in some low vegetation.
So I was able to get some excellent looks at this beautiful bird and these pics. I actually saw my first of this species at Two Buttes 'black hole' in southeast Colorado more than a decade ago, but I saw that bird briefly from further away so not a great view. So today's views were so much better.
It did appear to be successful in it's foraging as the pic above shows it with something in it's bill. Since this bird may have flown over the Gulf of Mexico before stopping over on South Padre Island it is likely very hungry.
So glad that these gardens next to the South Padre Island Convention Center are available to provide a good stop over spot with food, water and shelter in the many shrubs, perennials and trees planted here just for this purpose. SeEtta

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