
Olive-sided Flycatcher migrating through south central Colorado


8-14-16 correction--I stated below that landbird migration had begun but this was corrected by the following post on Cobirds listserv by Tony Leukering: <<< "While I typically like SeEtta's posts and blog, I have to disagree with her assessment of "landbird migration." Chipping Sparrows have been moving for more than a month, while Yellow Warblers, Lark Buntings, Bullock's Orioles, and an additional unknown number of Colorado-breeding species (but probably including all of the so-called "monsoon migrants"; see first link, below) have been on the move for 2-3 weeks (if not longer), now. As example, Lark Bunting does not breed in Arizona, yet migrants begin arriving -- even in southern Arizona, in late July, suggesting that migration was initiated sometime before then (see second link, below). http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1525/cond.2009.090085?journalCode=cond http://ebird.org/ebird/GuideMe?cmd=decisionPage&speciesCodes=larbun&getLocations=states&states=US-AZ&bYear=1900&eYear=2016&bMonth=1&eMonth=12&reportType=species&parentState=US-AZ">>> I spotted this Olive-sided Flycatcher this afternoon as it sallied out after insects at Brush Hollow State Wildlife Area just over 10 miles northeast of Canon City. Since this species does not breed in this lower elevation it has stopped over to feed on it's migration south. With indistinct wing bars it appears to be an adult bird with worn plumage (Sibley says they do not molt until they are on their winter grounds so adults have feathers almost a year old). Like many/most fall flycatchers it was silent but it's clear vested underparts, big head and short tail make it easy to id as an Olive-sided. Landbird migration has begun. SeEtta

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