
Another beautiful Golden-winged Warbler-pics and short video clip


This male Golden-winged Warbler was seen today at the Convention Center Gardens at South Padre Island, TX. It perched in the shade of the trees for more than 5 minutes allowing great views, many still pics and a little video.

This little warbler likely just arrived on this barrier island after migrating across the hundreds of miles of the Gulf of Mexico. Sadly it appears to have lost most of one leg.  The warbler is basically sitting on the branch rather than standing on it as many birds do, likely due to having only one whole leg.

In the bottom two pics the remaining leg stump is visible and it has some twisted piece at the end maybe indicating a recent injury.
It did seem to forage pretty good by hanging from it's one good leg as seen in the pics just above and below. SeEtta

Golden-wingedWarbler on South Padre Island, TX from SeEtta Moss on Vimeo.

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