
Baby Chachalacas, surprisingly cute


When I first spotted these young birds climbing in the branches above I had no idea what species they were but the mystery was soon resolved as the nearby adult Chachalacas decided I was too close--so they began their raucous calling and a couple came in near the chicks.
While adult Chachalacas have pretty cute faces, they frequent loud calling which is usually done by multiple birds diminishes their popularity. These young birds did not emit any vocalizations while I watched them for almost 10 minutes.

While these Chachalaca chicks look pretty young they were surprisingly good flyers. The adult birds (one seen in the pic below) flew into some trees about 35 feet away and called for them. Both chicks flew that distance with no apparent problem. I read in tbe nests  and eggs book that young chachalacas' throats become at one month of age so these are just a few weeks old. SeEtta

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